It’s Robin with a group of fun and/or creepy things to watch while we’re all stuck inside. Most of these will be readily available on streaming sights and some might not be. They’re all linked to sites you can watch them on though. 😀 I hope some of these help tide you over.
I absolutely love Maggie Q and am not surprised to see her in an intense thrill-ride of a movie like Slumber. This isn’t an extreme horror movie like others I’ve recommended before. It’s all about the sleep demons in this one. It covers topics I’m sure those that have experienced sleep paralysis can relate to. Some scenes had me having anxiety attacks for the characters. It’s not a life-changer but it’s worth the watch. Slumber is on a couple of services but as of 04/13/2020 it’s streaming on Hulu.
Those that found the original Unfriended lackluster might enjoy Dark Web a bit more. That was certainly the case for us. Whereas the first Unfriended was mostly paranormal in nature, Dark Web is a nice change. It’s all human, baby. It had us triggered by the end and it was good. Worth the watch if you like watching movies where people are their own worst enemy.
Talk about a twist. This movie had be riveted. It has a pretty star studded cast. Reviews are wildly all over the place which is unsurprising for a horror movie. I really enjoyed it and though there are times that made me go, “Really?” it seems to be one of the more memorable horror movies I’ve seen.
This is one of our favorite seasons of American Horror Story so far (but maybe that’s just because we like a good slasher film). I’ve watched every season and this one was a fun ride all the way through. Lots of actors from the OG seasons weren’t in it and I don’t know if that’s why I enjoyed it so much. It’s definitely worth the watch if you like the slasher movie tropes with a bit of morbid humor. I keep returning for that good AHS burn.
Now this series is a straight up Netflix Original so if you have Netflix and love zombies, get on this. It is a Korean made series so subtitles are necessary if you don’t understand Korean but it is so worth it. (I’m a weeb so subtitles are just something I deal with constantly anyway. lol.) This is an awesome take on zombies and is a great mix of horror and political drama. It’s great. Season 2 introduced a terrifying aspect to these creatures and I’m craving more. 😀